Phase 2: Space

Alan Shepard

Periscope is coming out and the turn-around has started

Alan Shepard

Control movements

Alan Shepard

Okay, switching to manual pitch

Deke Slayton

That's manual pitch

Alan Shepard

Switching to manual yaw

Deke Slayton

… understand, manual yaw

Deke Slayton

Roger Freedom, okay

Alan Shepard

Yaw is okay. Switching to manual roll

Deke Slayton

Okay, looks good …

Alan Shepard

On the periscope. What a beautiful view

Alan Shepard

Cloud cover over Florida. 3 to 4 tenths near the eastern coast. Obscures up to Hatteras

Alan Shepard

I can see Okeechobee. Identify Andros Island. Identify the Reefs

Deke Slayton

retro 5 4 3 2 … 1

Alan Shepard

Start retro-sequence. In retro-attitude are green

Alan Shepard

Control is smooth

Alan Shepard

Retro one, very smooth

Alan Shepard

All three retros are fired

Alan Shepard

Okay. Three retros have fired. Retro-jettison is back to arm.

Deke Slayton

The booster …

Alan Shepard

Switching fly-by-wire

Alan Shepard

Roger; do not have a light

Alan Shepard

I do not have a light. I see the straps falling away. I heard a noise. I will use override

Alan Shepard

Override used, the light is green

Alan Shepard

Periscope is retracting

Alan Shepard

I'm on Fly By Wire. Going to re-entry attitude

Alan Shepard

Okay, Buster. Re-entry attitude, switching ASCS normal

Expand selection down Contract selection up

Spoken on May 5, 1961, 2:41 p.m. UTC (63 years, 9 months ago). Link to this transcript range is: Tweet

Alan Shepard

Switching to HF for radio check

Deke Slayton

Freedom Seven, Cap Com how do read HF?

Alan Shepard

Ahh, Roger, reading you loud and clear HF, Deke. How me?


HF was not received

Deke Slayton

Freedom Seven, Cap Com. I didn't read your answer.

Alan Shepard

Ahh, Reading you loud and clear HF. How me?

Alan Shepard

Okay. This is Freedom Seven

Alan Shepard

“G” build-up 3, 6, 9

Deke Slayton

Coming through loud and clear

Alan Shepard

This is Seven—Okay

Alan Shepard

45,000 feet now

Alan Shepard

I'm back on ASCS

Deke Slayton

Cap Com, how do you read now?

Alan Shepard

Ahh, Roger, Deke, reading you loud and clear. How me?

Deke Slayton

Switch over to …

Alan Shepard

The drogue is green at 21. The periscope is out. The drogue is out.

Alan Shepard

Okay at drogue deploy. I've got 70 percent auto—90 percent manual. Oxygen is still okay

Alan Shepard

And the snorkel's (out) at about 15,000 feet

Alan Shepard

Emergency flow rate is on

Alan Shepard

Standing by for main

Alan Shepard

Main chute is reefed

Alan Shepard

Main chute is green. Main chute is coming unreefed and it looks good

Alan Shepard

Main chute is good. Rate of descent is reading about 35 ft/sec.

Alan Shepard

Hello Cap Com. Freedom Seven. How do you read?


Alan Shepard

Hello CARDFILE 23, this is Freedom Seven. Do you read?


Freedom Seven this is Indian Cap Com, do you read me?

Alan Shepard

Affirmative Indian Cap Com, let me give you a report. I'm at 7,000 feet, the main chute is good, the landing bag is on green, my peroxide has dumped, my condition is good


Roger Freedom Seven, I understand you're at 7000 feet, your main chute is open, your…is good, over

Alan Shepard

That is affirmative — please relay

Alan Shepard

Hello CARDFILE 23, CARDFILE 23, Freedom Seven. Over.


Freedom Seven, Freedom Seven this is CARDFILE 23, over

Alan Shepard

Ahh, this is Seven. Relay back to Cap Com please. My altitude now 4,000 feet, condition as before, the main chute is good, the landing bag has deployed, the peroxide has dumped


Ahh, Rog, understand …

Alan Shepard

Ahh, CARDFILE 23, Freedom Seven


Freedom Seven this is 23

Alan Shepard

I'm about 1,500 feet now. The main chute still looks good. The rate of descent is indicating 30 ft/sec.


Ahh, Rog


Freedom Seven this is 23 I have … transmissions from Cape Cap Com, over